

MDD’s Energy Insights Event – Tuesday 9th January 2024

Building on the success of our Energy Insights Event in March this year, we will be holding another event on 9th January 2024. This event will be headlined by a very special guest speaker, the Right Honourable Sir Alok Sharma KCMG MP.

The theme for this event will be Energy Transition and we, along with other experts, will provide insights from various regions around the world on some of the current challenges that the insurance market is facing.

Our event is intended to provide meaningful insights for anyone involved in Energy insurance. This event will include discussions with our global Energy group, guest speakers and panellists from across the industry.

Registration and Lunch – 12.15pm

Welcome Remarks – 1.00pm

Session 1 – Mining of Essential Minerals

1.10pm – 2.00pm 

Across three TED talks, we will discuss how Critical Mineral Strategies are committing nations to dramatically increase activity at all levels of the supply chain, including exploration, mining, concentration, refining, processing and manufacturing.  We will address the issues, challenges, concerns and opportunities that result from this government-mandated approach to mining and heavy industry supply chains in support of the “Energy Transition”.

Session 2 – Power Generation – Transition to Renewables  

2.00pm – 2.25pm – Status and challenges – Americas, EMEA & APAC

This session will discuss and compare how different regions of the world are responding to increased energy demands. We will examine how North America, Latin America, Europe and Asia Pacific meet current demands and what each is doing to meet expected future demands. We will also discuss each region’s transition to renewable energy and transition challenges and barriers. 

2.25pm – 2.45pm – Can we meet demand for EV and Mining requirements?

How will the increased energy demand caused by the electrification of the transportation industry be met? A discussion about the expected increases in energy production requirements and distribution infrastructure needs caused by a move towards Electric Vehicles (EVs).      

Tea/Coffee Break

Session 3 – Oil & Gas – Supporting the Energy Transition

3.10pm – 3.35pm – The Past, Present and Future of Natural Gas

This session will briefly outline the source and distribution of natural gas up to 2021 and the relatively stable patterns that evolved, will cover what happened after the invasion of Ukraine and the ripple effects of the Freeport LNG loss in 2022 and 2023 and close with a look at the importance of natural gas as a heating fuel, for power generation, for ethane cracking etc and how this might change the balance of supply and demand.

3.35pm – 3.50pm – Carbon Capture – Is It Really Going to Materialize?

This session will outline the ways in which the O&G industry is looking at carbon capture, what specific types of projects are in development and provide a view on the timeframe and potential contribution to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. 

Session 4 – Moderated Panels

3:55pm – 4:25pm – Broker/Claims Panel 

Erman Hassan, Head of Natural Resources Claims at MS Amlin and Steve Whiddett, Product Innovation Lead at Aon will discuss the challenges of product development to meet the emerging needs of energy transition.  They will talk about the scalability required and whether current policies meet the requirements as companies are adapting to new technology. They will address how claims might interact in loss scenarios as gaps emerge between intent and product in place and how the industry has a responsibility to meet the demands of climate change.

4:30pm 5:15pm – Fireside Chat with Sir Alok Sharma

Sir Alok is extremely passionate about energy transition and the importance of the insurance sector in supporting this transition. With COP28 having finished just weeks prior to our event, Sir Alok will discuss the agreements that were reached on accelerating the global energy transition and whether the world is still on track to limit average global warming to 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels as agreed in the Paris Agreement.

He will talk about the UK government’s key policies on getting to net zero, the role that businesses have in tackling climate change and what governments and policymakers should be doing to assist businesses to follow a green growth agenda. He will also talk about the impact of climate change on the insurance market, the importance of mineral strategy for government and the future of natural gas.

Reception at The Factory House – 5:30pm


Guest Speakers

Right Honourable Sir Alok Sharma KCMG MP

Sir Alok served in a range of UK government ministerial roles prior to entering the Cabinet as Secretary of State for International Development. He was appointed President Designate of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in 2020, alongside his role as Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. In 2021 he took on the COP26 role full-time, leading the UK’s work in bringing together the world to tackle climate change and getting almost 200 countries to sign up to the Glasgow Climate Pact. Sir Alok was knighted in His Majesty King Charles III’s 2023 New Year’s honours list for his services to tackling climate change.

Sir Alok is extremely passionate about energy transition and the importance of the insurance sector in supporting this transition.

Steve Whiddett – Product Innovation Lead at Aon

Steve has been in the insurance industry for 36 years, the last half of which were focussed on the energy sector before moving to Aon’s Climate team to lead product innovation.  Recent projects have included development of solutions for green and blue hydrogen production and for the CO2 sequestration industry.

Erman Hassan – Head of Natural Resources Claims at MS Amlin

Erman has 15 years’ experience within claims, particularly in Natural Resources, handling a wide variety of upstream, downstream, renewables, and liability matters in most jurisdictions around the world. He sits on both Energy Claims Committees for the LMA and IUA and has a reputation for successfully resolving large and complex claims. Prior to joining MS Amlin, Erman worked at QBE Insurance for 7 years, where he held management responsibilities in Marine and energy claims and handled major loss.


This page will be updated frequently in the run-up to the event, so please check back for more information.