Product Liability & Product Recall

Product Liability & Product Recall
When a product liability or product recall situation occurs, businesses frequently find themselves suffering a financial loss or being held responsible for the financial loss suffered by another business. Regardless of whether or not the loss is due to a product defect, contamination, or tampering, MDD can help accurately quantify the resulting loss.
We produce comprehensive checklists and documentation requests to ensure we receive the information needed to efficiently and accurately quantify the loss. When we’re involved early in the process we can expedite the process and assist in managing expectations for all parties.
Our experts have tackled numerous high-profile and complex product liability & recalls worldwide for the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, medical, chemical, and distribution industries.
We offer a wide range of product liability & product recall services that include:
- Establishment of tracking protocols
- Assessment of relevant historical documentation
- Tracing of claimed costs to recalled products and segregating those potentially not recall-related
- Assistance with on-site inventory counts, testing procedures and appropriate cost reporting
- Monitoring of the recall and rehabilitation process
- Management of information flow to track expenditures and quantify damages
- Categorization, control, and sorting of costs
- Evaluation of market share loss
- Quantification of lost profits and extra expenses
- Expert and consulting witness testimony
For assistance with product liability or product recalls, hire MDD.
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Our experts are extremely knowledgeable about thier subject areas and often write educational material and commentary on topical issues they come across.
Peloton Recall of Tread+ and CPSC in Protecting Consumer Safety
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) in the US works with standards organisations, manufacturers, and companies to develop voluntary safety standards, warn the public of products that present significant risks to consumers and enforce mandatory standards or banning consumer products...
Sleepless Nights: Product Recall of Sleep Device
What started off as a comment by CEO Frans van Houten in global electronics giant, Philips Q1 Quarterly Report of 2021 issued on 26 April 2021 that “regretfully, we have identified a quality issue in a component that is used...
Trends in Food and Beverage Related Product Recalls
Numerous large-scale product recalls have captured national, if not global, media attention. One example is the 2008 salmonella outbreak linked to products manufactured by the Peanut Corporation of America. This incident involved the recall of more than 4,000 products produced...
Product Liability Claims: How can a forensic accountant assist in the claims process?
There are many different types of liability cover available to business owners including D&O liability, professional indemnity and public liability amongst others. However, from a claims perspective, one of the most common types of cover we come across is that...
Liability: When Do the Numbers Become Important?
This month MDD focuses on liability claims and looks at the benefits of getting the right technical accounting expert engaged early on to stress test quantum. What you will learn from reading the article include: How early involvement provides better...
Contaminated Products Insurance Claims: How to Check the Costs of a Product Recall
The number of food product recalls reported in the UK through the FSA (Food Standards Agency) rose 78% in 2015. With many UK businesses operating internationally, a product recall situation can impact many countries and cost millions of pounds in...
Documentation and Litigation
Litigation can be a scary and intimidating process. Preparation is key and includes ensuring that the documentation you need to prove your case is ready at hand. Below are some common forms of litigation and the documentation that should be...
Our firm has over 80 years of experience working on assignments that span over 800 industries around the world. By exploring some of the cases we have worked on you will gain a better understanding of how we might be able to assist you in your quantification, investigation or valuation needs.