

Eddy Lee

Eddy Lee is a Partner and Head of Disputes and Litigation Asia.  He specialises in the areas of business valuation, economic loss quantification, cost verification, minority shareholder disputes and solving complex accounting issues.

He provides expert financial advice in cases of litigation and international arbitration and has been appointed both as a valuation and an accounting expert who has testified on numerous occasions.

Eddy is a Fellow of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales who, during his 20 year career, has advised on a array of issues such as including identification and quantification of lost profits, the valuation of businesses and financial assets including shareholdings, intellectual property, and of wasted costs.

He has prepared reports for submission to the Singapore High Court, Singapore International Commercial Court, the High Court of Malaysia, the High Court of England & Wales, the UK First Tier Tax Tribunal, the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands and arbitral tribunals under ICC, SIAC, HKIAC and UNCITRAL rules.

Eddy has been “Recommended” by Who’s Who Legal in its global listings of the leading expert witnesses active in international arbitration. The publication described him as “very diligent and has a deep knowledge of his areas of expertise” and “[h]is expert reports are balanced and well substantiated by research”.

Eddy has also advised clients on regulatory matters, market assessments, and brand valuations and is regularly invited to speak at conferences and deliver training on a variety of economic damage quantification and other financial topics around the region.

Roman Prytula

Roman joined MDD Forensic Accountants’ Calgary office in 2015 as a Staff Accountant. He is currently a Senior Manager/Vice President at the firm’s Calgary office.

Roman’s practice area expertise includes business interruption, extra expenses, business valuationlitigation, and lost profits. Roman has extensive experience with files relating to First Nation Bands, analyzing historical records to calculate funds withheld from members. He has also been active in the catastrophe services area, quantifying economic damages due to the 2016 Fort McMurray wildfires.

Roman has handled assignments across a wide range of industries including oil & gas, power generationmanufacturing, food manufacturing, forest products industries, hotels & resorts, commercial rental properties, hospital & health care facilities, medical & dental practices,  transmission & distribution and retail & wholesale.

He is fluent in English, Ukrainian and Russian and proficient in Danish and French and is a graduate of Aarhus University with a Master of Science, Finance and International Business and Kyiv National Economic University with a Bachelor of International Economics.

Jerome McDonagh

Jerome has over 10 years of experience in Forensic Accounting.  He joined MDD in 2015 and is Director of their Litigation Support Services in Hong Kong.

He focuses on matters related to business valuationbusiness disputesloss of profits and fraud & investigations. He has extensive experience in litigation support and has acted as an expert witness in Hong Kong and UK court proceedings.

In business valuations, Jerome has advised clients and acted as an expert witness in a variety of assignments including shareholder disputes, divorce proceedings, and valuations of start-ups and mature businesses.  The assignments relate to parties from various jurisdictions including Hong Kong, Singapore, PRC, Korea, Cayman Islands and United Kingdom.

Jerome has been involved in numerous damage quantification matters including loss of profits, post-M&A breaches of warranties and aborted contract claims.

Jerome’s loss of profit experience extends to catastrophe services experience from his involvement in assignments related to the Tianjin explosions in 2015 and Typhoon Hato in 2017.

His expertise spans a wide range of industries including financial servicesmanufacturing, textiles & apparel, IT, property, shipping & freight, telecommunications, casino and gaming.

Jerome is the creator of the MDD Duxbury Calculator, an online, subscription-based calculator designed to enable Duxbury calculations to be completed quickly and cost-effectively.  The Duxbury Calculator can be accessed here.

He has presented various seminars and workshops on business valuation, financial statement fraud, losses from aborted contracts and Duxbury calculations.

Fluent in Cantonese and conversant in Mandarin, Jerome graduated from Manchester University (UK) with a Bachelor of Economic Science degree and the University of London (UK) with a Master of Science degree in Professional Accountancy.  He holds various professional qualifications and affiliations including:

  • Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (UK)
  • Member of the Academy of Experts (UK)
  • Certified Fraud Examiner (USA)
  • Certified Valuation Analyst (USA)
  • Member of the Hong Kong Family Law Association (HK)
  • Treasurer of the Hong Kong Insurance Law Association (HK)